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Diabeteksen huomioiminen leikkaustoimenpiteissä ja erityistutkimuksissa


Diabeteksen huomioiminen leikkaustoimenpiteissä ja erityistutkimuksissa

The goal of the treatment of a diabetic patient is as normal blood sugar as possible: before, during and after the operation. Regardless whether it is a small or large operation it is very important to monitor and treat blood sugar levels during the perioperative treatment process. The diabetics are often the best experts of their own medical condition. However during the perioperative treatment process medical staff has responsibility for their medical care as long as patients can take care of themselves.

The purpose of this thesis was to make an electronic handbook to the perioperative nurses and nursing students. My short term practical aim was to increase the knowledge of the treatment of diabetes among nursing staff. In addition my short term practical aim of the thesis was to explain how diabetes affects the surgical procedures and special examinations. My long-term practical aim was that nursing staff involved in the treatment of diabetics master the perioperative treatment of diabetics. My main learning aim was my vocational growth as a nurse.

This thesis was a project work. The electronic handbook contains tips and facts about the perioperative treatment of the diabetic. The electronic handbook was saved in PDF-format to the local network of the hospital. I requested feedback from a group of experts, perioperative nurses, the operative ward and the emergency-department. Overall feedback was positive. The handbook was considered necessary and useful. This feedback was taken into account in the final version of the handbook.

Further development idea for the next project work is written patient information for the diabetic to prepare for surgical procedures. Written and oral instructions are important, because then the patient can prepare for the operation and on the other hand can assume responsibility for her or his own care after treatment.

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