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Sairaanhoitajan rooli lumbaali-, sternaali- ja nivelpunktiossa: opiskelumateriaalin tuottaminen TaitoPajaan


Sairaanhoitajan rooli lumbaali-, sternaali- ja nivelpunktiossa: opiskelumateriaalin tuottaminen TaitoPajaan

Subject of this thesis is an independent study material of a punctures, for nursing and emergency care students of Oulu University of Applied Sciences. In school studies, there are only little bit about the operations, where registered nurse assistant the doctor. Our school was needing study material from that subject. Oulu´s City Hospital ward B2 has helped us making the study material, by shooting the instruments which are needed in punctures.

This thesis is a development project, the aim of which is to produce a high-quality and comprehensive independent learning material in PowerPoint format. We chose to write about lumbar, sternum and joint punctures on the study material, because writing about of all the punctures would have made our product too wide. The operational goal is that students learn how and why the punctures are made, and the nurse's role in assisting the puncture.

We collected the information required for a product using a variety of sources, such as the internet, and books, as well as researches. The Data collection was very difficult at times. However, we were able to gather the necessary information on the study material. We achieved the quality criteria by evaluating product continuously and collecting the assessment while making the product.

In the future it would be interesting to see whether the product is actively used by students, and how students think about the usefulness of the product. Development proposition is that there should be study material about every puncture. Making a teaching video of these would be possible as well.

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