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Kirjallisuuskatsaus hoitotyön auttamismenetelmistä leikkauspotilaan lämpötalouden ylläpitämiseksi


Kirjallisuuskatsaus hoitotyön auttamismenetelmistä leikkauspotilaan lämpötalouden ylläpitämiseksi

The study was commissioned by Oulu University Hospital and it is about developing daily work in perioperative surgery. Disadvantages caused by hypothermia in surgery have been generally recognized. The consequences of patients’ too low body temperature include an increased risk of wound infections and prolonged recovery. There are measures to prevent hypothermia in perioperative care and they vary between different countries, hospitals and procedures.

The purpose of this study was to investigate and describe the various practices that prevent perioperative surgery patients’ body temperature from falling. The following research questions were answered by this literature review. What were the practices that helped maintain preoperative patients` body temperature? What were the practices that prevented intraoperative patients` body temperature from falling? What were the practices that prevented postoperative patients` body temperature from falling?

This thesis was done by applying a systematic literature review method. This review is comprised of six domestic and four foreign articles.

The results are comprehensive and in many respects coincide with each other. There is a general agreement of the importance of actively keeping patient body warming and solely for passive heating in case of inadequacy. Fan heaters are considered as the most effective method of heating. Body temperature measurement is also given high attention. In addition, a variety of liquid heating methods are recommended as one component of an effective method to keep body temperature. Preventing hypothermia is more important in longer procedures. Most attention is given to intraoperative phase of care measures, the least postoperative action.

The results are consistent with the theory of knowledge. A well maintained body temperature is one of the treatment target of the patient. If we cannot prevent hypothermia, postoperative care is more difficult and recovery is prolonged.

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