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Palovammat ja niiden konservatiivinen hoito: perehdytysoppaan laatiminen Oulun yliopistollisen sairaalan kirurgiselle vuodeosastolle


Palovammat ja niiden konservatiivinen hoito: perehdytysoppaan laatiminen Oulun yliopistollisen sairaalan kirurgiselle vuodeosastolle

Burn injuries can be caused by heat, electricity or chemicals. Every year more than 1200 people need hospital care because of the burn injuries. The treatment is planned on the basis of the depth and width of the injury and the cause of the burn. Oulu University Hospital needs a guide-book about burn injuries for students and new employees.

The main goal of our thesis was to design and produce an easy to use and untroubled guide. Our long-term goal was to standardize the treatment and improve the quality of the treatment.

The project started by exploring the subject and gathering information from research reports, lit-erature, newspaper articles and Internet sources. Quality was guaranteed by a questionnaire made of our product at the surgical ward and the employees answered our questions. Based on the answers we reworked the guidebook to its final shape. The outcome of the project was a product i.e. a guidebook that gives all the basic information about skin, wound healing process, burn injuries and their conservative treatment. The pictures demonstrate burn injuries and increase the quality of our product. Students and new workers can use the product as a guidebook which helps their orientation to burn injuries. There is possibility to widen our product in the future or use our idea and product in the planning of other guidebooks of other subjects.

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