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Sosiaalisen median hyödyntäminen liikuntakeskuksen liiketoiminnassa: Case Nallisport


Sosiaalisen median hyödyntäminen liikuntakeskuksen liiketoiminnassa: Case Nallisport

The aim of the thesis was to create functional and competitive Facebook pages to the assigner of this work, Nallikari-Tennis Oy, Nallisport Oy. In addition, a handbook based on the theory was created in order to give a compact package of advice on how to use and utilize social media in business.

The research questions to be answered in this thesis were how to get more customers through Facebook pages, and what kind of pages are appropriate considering the business of the company. First, the thesis introduces the theory related to social media, including marketing in social media and the strategy of social media. The relevant terms of these main theories are described as well; they include Web 2.0, attendance, advertising and participatory action. The model about the presence of an organization in social media is discussed, and this theory is also used in connection with the description of the case Nallisport.

As a result, Facebook pages were created with the help of analyzing the assigner’s competitors. Four competitors in Oulu area were selected for this analysis, and these are Sport Center Hukka, Liikku, SATS Finland, and CMS Beauty Center Oulu. All of these sport centers have women as their main customers, whereas the assigner itself has mainly men who use its services. The competitors were analyzed with the help of an excel table. In the table, the key issues from the theoretical parts of the thesis were listed. These issues were found in the competitors’ Facebook pages. After that, the issues were graded and, finally, an average was calculated for every issue and competitor. In the end, these figures were analyzed.

The results indicated that in social media, like in Facebook, it is good for an organization to be a listener who is interacting with its potential customers. It is important for a customer to feel important. This is why the social media used in an organization should be customer-oriented. An active updating and uploading photos and videos also bring value to an organization.

This thesis will provide a useful and compact package of the terms that are related to social media and the advice of how to control social media. In the future, the assigner’s Facebook pages should be developed using different applications. It would be good to consider whether something else can be added to the pages in order to differentiate the assigner’s pages from its competitors.

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