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Keuhkoembolia postoperatiivisena komplikaationa -simulaatioharjoitus


Keuhkoembolia postoperatiivisena komplikaationa -simulaatioharjoitus

Our thesis was a development project which aimed to produce a versatile and high quality simulation exercise. Simulation exercise was made to be used Oulu University of Applied Sciences in the Degree Programme of Nursing to help students to evolve their abilities of nursing acute postoperative lung embolism. This thesis is part of INNOPI-project: Innovative Learning Enviroments for Health Education 2010, which represents the new method of learning and improving nursing abilities and patient safety.

With the help of this simulation exercise nursing students are able to improve their non-technical skills based on the CRM-strategy alongside with clinical and ethical skills. The content of simulation exercise was based on official treatment recommendations and medical releases. Our steering group helped us to plan the content of scenario and it was pre-tested with the small group of nursing students. They gave us feedback, which helped us to finalize our simulation exercise.

The pre-test and the feedback of students and teachers showed that this scenario is convertible and it can be used diversely in simulation teaching in the Degree Program of Nursing. According to the nursing students this scenario helped them to improve their leadership skills, non-technical and technical abilities and reportage skills. They also upgraded their nursing treatment of acute lung embolism. In the future this exercise can be used in updating training.

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