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Englanninkielinen verkkoperehdytysopas syöpätautien vuodeosaston opiskelijoille


Englanninkielinen verkkoperehdytysopas syöpätautien vuodeosaston opiskelijoille

The objective of the thesis was to create an orientation guide in English for foreign students to the cancer ward. The work was commissioned by Oulu University Hospital, and it was a product development project. The need for this kind of guide appeared, when there were foreign students in the ward. This report demonstrates the product development project, how it was started and how it was brought to a conclusion. Aim of this project was to help ward staff in orientation of the foreign students by making orientation guide on English language. The orientation guide was tested in the oncology ward, in May 2010. Nurses of the department were the testers and orientation guide was shaped into its final form on the basis of their experiences. The nurses were asked for the opinion of the structure of the guide, field of orientation guide, appropriateness and graphic appearance. Ward staff, treatment recommendations from Duodecim Medical Publications and publications of the hospital district was used as a source for this thesis. Orientation guide is web-based, and it can be seen in the internal network of the Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District. The guide contains information of the therapeutic procedures, student's responsibilities and computer programs of the nursing. Web-based orientation guide can be used in orientation to operation of the ward, care forms and ethical principals. The instructors of the foreign students' practical training, students themselves and ultimately patients in the department could benefit from the guide. As a further development proposal, this web-based guide can be extended to cover more of the ward operation.

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