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Link-level performance of FM-UWB in the interfered IEEE 802.15.6 channel


Link-level performance of FM-UWB in the interfered IEEE 802.15.6 channel


This paper provides simulation results of the frequency modulated ultra wideband (FM-UWB) system with channel coding in an interfered IEEE 802.15.6 channel. The paper discusses a FM-UWB receiver structure and presents the developed simulator model. The receiver applies a delay-line modulator followed by an amplitude modulation projection detection. A channel model used is the IEEE 802.15.6 channel model 3 for an on-body link. An interference is modeled as a colored Gaussian noise presenting an in-band IEEE 802.15.4 interferer. The simulation results show that the FM-UWB system can tolerate as low as -6 dB signal-to-interference power ratios (SIR) in the studied scenarios.

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