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Kiertotalouden mahdollisuudet elektroniikka-alan asiakasrajapinnan liiketoiminnan suunnittelussa


Kiertotalouden mahdollisuudet elektroniikka-alan asiakasrajapinnan liiketoiminnan suunnittelussa

In this study, circular economy was examined from a business perspective. The basic idea of circular economy is to link companies’ economic benefits to more responsible and sustainable practices. Circular economy aims to provide solutions for reducing emissions, sustainable use of natural resources, and preserving biodiversity. The aim of the research was to describe the opportunities for utilizing circular economy principles in planning new business within the electronics industry. The study was conducted as a qualitative literature review. A wide range of Finnish and English literature, surveys, reports, and other online sources related to the topic was used in the study.

The utilization of business models based on the circular economy was illustrated through a case example. In the case company, electronic devices were offered to consumers and corporate customers by applying the product as a service business model. The service innovation of the case company was to offer access rights to the most common large electronic devices for home and office spaces while integrating value-adding service solutions into the service.

The conclusions drawn from the study indicate that within the customer interface of the electronics industry, the principles of circular economy can be utilized through the product as a service business model, coupled with open innovation and ecosystem thinking. Circular economy-driven and service-oriented business enables long-term customer relationships, a continuous revenue stream, and the development of thorough services within the business ecosystem. The business model enables the adoption of an ecologically sustainable approach, lessening the environmental impact of the business.

The research findings of the thesis can be integrated into a broader business plan for a new electronics company or for the adaptation of an existing business to align with circular economy practices. In developing the business plan, it would be valuable to assess the potential for growth in circular economy-based business and the profitability of the proposed business strategy. Further research could expand on the utilization of circular economy business models, specifically within the electronics industry, examining case studies that implement the various business models highlighted in the research. Comparative analysis among cases built on different business models could also be conducted.

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