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Maatalouden tutkimuskeskus & Hokkaidō-nōgyō-shikenjō. (1997). Molecular and physiological aspects of cold and chilling tolerance of northern crops: The Finnish-Japanese workshop, March 17.-20.1997, Jokioinen. Agricultural Research Centre of Finland.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Maatalouden tutkimuskeskus ja Hokkaidō-nōgyō-shikenjō. Molecular and Physiological Aspects of Cold and Chilling Tolerance of Northern Crops: The Finnish-Japanese Workshop, March 17.-20.1997, Jokioinen. Jokioinen: Agricultural Research Centre of Finland, 1997.


Maatalouden tutkimuskeskus ja Hokkaidō-nōgyō-shikenjō. Molecular and Physiological Aspects of Cold and Chilling Tolerance of Northern Crops: The Finnish-Japanese Workshop, March 17.-20.1997, Jokioinen. Agricultural Research Centre of Finland, 1997.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Maatalouden tutkimuskeskus & Hokkaidō-nōgyō-shikenjō. 1997. Molecular and physiological aspects of cold and chilling tolerance of northern crops: The Finnish-Japanese workshop, March 17.-20.1997, Jokioinen. Jokioinen: Agricultural Research Centre of Finland.

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